Health & Safety
“We recognise the importance of health and safety within our business, and are committed to evaluating operations and management procedures to ensure a positive impact is implemented on our people, and on the environment.”
We have a zero tolerance towards unsafe and unhealthy working practises. All of our employees are made aware at an initial induction that Health and Safety is the responsibility of everyone, and is not just a management function.
All employees have detailed, specific duties and responsibilities detailed within our Health and Safety Policy, and are further reinforced in the company Health and Safety Standards document 2017.
All of our operations are pre-planned to ensure the Health, Safety and Welfare of all our employees and that of others, who may be affected by our undertakings, are assessed and control measures implemented to comply with all relevant legislation.
We ensure the provision of a trained, competent and experienced work force. All our managers and operatives receive the latest and up to date training offered within the construction industry. All of our managers have a minimum of SMSTS certificates and Supervisors have SSSTS.
Project inductions supply our operatives with all relevant information, instructions, training specific to the task, and information about the client. We carry out and record a Pre-Start Health and Safety check prior to commencing any tasks, which includes conformation of RAMS, correct safe work and access equipment.

The TAD Health and Safety Manager will ensure the principles of health & safety are clearly understood by all employed by the company, we are committed to:
Ensuring that there are arrangements put in to place for the effective planning, development and review of this health and safety policy.
Ensuring the appropriate systems are developed and maintained for the effective communication of health and safety matters throughout the company.
Protecting the safety and health of all Employees within the company by preventing work related injuries, ill health, disease and incidents.